List of Yeast Free Foods

If you want to get relief from the symptoms of Candidiasis, then it’s much better to avoid the foods that are bad for your health. Stay away from foods that contain yeast as well as foods that promote yeast. Instead, eat healthier alternatives as well as eat nutritious foods in general. Here is a list of yeast free foods you can include in your yeast free diet:

o   Instead of eating cold cuts or processed meats, eat roast or grilled fish, chicken or other lean meats. Avoid foods fried in cooking oil. You can eat sauteed foods but make sure they’re cooked in olive oil or other unrefined vegetable oils.
o   Avoid high-carbohydrate starchy foods even vegetables like potatoes. For your source of fiber, eat whole-wheat breads as well as whole grains. Quinoa is a nutritious wheat and gluten free grain substitute you can take advantage of. You can also eat beans, chickpeas, or lentils.
o   Use soymilk, rice milk, and other non-dairy milks. Use nut butters and cottage cheese as alternative to butter and cheese. Use Stevia or other natural sweeteners as substitute to sugar.
o   Eat lots of vegetables and fruits (except too much citrus fruits as they may trigger unpleasant reactions). Eat berries rich in anti-oxidants.

As you may have noticed, natural and fresh foods are the ideal foods for a Candida free diet.

1 comment:

  1. fruit? soy milk? rice milk? i beg to differ. these things are not tolerated for most of us with yeast intolerance.
